Beds Focus Regional Directory – things to do, what’s on, hotels, events, services and companies in Bedfordshire.
The latest issue of Bedfordshire & Milton Keynes Focus will be launched in December and contain full listings or details of companies and organisations in Bedfordshire catering to all of your business, leisure, home, family and lifestyle needs. Whatever you are searching for, from wedding services for your big day to entertainment for your family, business or home services, you will find it in the directory and here on the Bedfordshire Focus website.

Browse By Category
The directory is our focus in on Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes, and will be in full colour, full glossy A5 format, broken down into 12 different sections as below, giving you a guide to weddings, restaurants, home and garden services, days out, music, children and baby related services, antiques, pets and animals services, health, beauty and more.
If you would like to advertise your company on the site or in our next directory, then please contact one of our helpful sales team who can talk you through the many options that we have for the further promotion of your services – we are just a phone call away on 01582 488385.
Latest Bedfordshire Focus Blogs
• Ampthill Farmers Market, Natwest car park, The last Sunday every month (11am till 2pm) • Bedford Farmers Market, St Paul’s Square, the second and fourth Thursday of every month • Biddenham Farmers Market, The Pavilion, Deep Spinney, the 2nd Friday every month (1am till 5pm) • Biggleswade Farmers Market,…
View moreRunning has become a more popular sport Are you thinking of joining a running club? Perhaps the lingering thoughts behind your New Years Resolution, or shedding some pounds pre holiday? Running clubs have become more common in recent years, and can be found throughout the county should you be inclined….
View moreExplore the evolution of the English garden with a stroll through three centuries of landscape design at Wrest Park. From parterres and fragrant borders, to sweeping views and woodland walks, Explore all 92 acres of award-winning gardens. Pop along to the children’s play area, take tea in the café and…
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